The minimum price of Braun Food Processor FP 3132 3 in 1 in pakistan is Rs. 33,000 which is offered by Its average price is estimated around Rs. 33,500., being an expensive seller, even sold it at Rs. 34,000. During last couple of weeks, almost 34% online stores have increased price of Braun Food Processor FP 3132 3 in 1 by in braun pureease chopper 3 in 1 fp 3132 bk Rs.35,790
With a fantastic 2.1L bowl capacity, a sizeable 1.2L blender, and an intuitive one-touch system, this product is an excellent choice for those looking for a simple yet effective home appliance. The food processor offers the versatility to chop, shred, mince and blend. The intuitive One Touch Pulse and Speed Controls make food prep fast and intuitive.
3 In 1 Chopper
1. Plastic Mill
2. 1.2L Blender
3. PureEase Food processor
1. Emulsifying Tool
2. 4mm reversible disc
3. Dough Tool
4. Spatula Grey
5. Knife Blade
Key Feature
Brand | Braun |
Model No. | FP 3132BK |
Series | Food Processor |
Color | Black |
One-touch pulse | YES |
Bowl Capacity | 2.1L |
Wattages | 800 W |
Speeds + PulseLogical | 2 |
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